Dr. 贝蒂·皮尔斯·斯蒂芬森


Dr. 贝蒂 Stephenson is among those who helped pave the way for future generations of women to pursue their dreams. As a young girl, 贝蒂 had an experience that cemented in her mind a desire to become a doctor. A neighbor’s dog had prematurely given birth to a litter of puppies. 贝蒂 tried frantically, but to no avail, to get the puppies to breathe. It was then that she decided she wanted to go to medical school to gain the knowledge necessary to save lives. 回顾当时的情况, she realizes that even with the knowledge she has today, she would not have been able to save those premature puppies. 但, 那个结晶的时刻, helped lead 贝蒂 in a direction that would impact the lives of many for years to come.

When 贝蒂 expressed her plan to become a doctor, her determination was not deterred by the chiding of her elders, “亲爱的, 你是说护士吧?”

We are sorry that, due to ill health, 贝蒂 is unable to be here with us today. This presentation is being recorded and will be sent to her. 贝蒂, we send you our love and appreciation for your dedication to mend the human body and the human spirit, and for the tremendous contribution your life has been to the success of Hardin-Simmons大学.

贝蒂·皮尔斯·斯蒂芬森 was born January 31, 1927 in Abilene, Texas. She grew up in an era fraught with difficulty and uneasy growth. 她在三四十年代上学, and it was in high school that a biology teacher gave her encouragement to pursue her dream to be a doctor. World War II was underway when she graduated from high school and entered Hardin-Simmons大学. She earned a bachelor of arts degree from HSU in 1947. Following a year of graduate work in chemistry at the University of Colorado, 她进入了贝勒医学院.

In 1951, while a student at Baylor, 贝蒂 met and married fellow medical student Charles T. 斯蒂芬森,她叫他“史蒂夫”.” The two graduated from Baylor in 1953 and both spent their internships in St. 路易, 密苏里州, 1953年至1954年, then returned to Baylor College of Medicine for their residency programs. They remained on the faculty and in practice in Houston until their retirements in 1997. 直到1992年, 当查尔斯搬到德克萨斯儿童医院时, the couple worked together in the operating room.

贝蒂 and Charles have four children, Patricia, Karen, Tom, and John. Throughout her busy career and while raising a family (which yes, 有时, required climbing trees to fetch down stubborn little boys), 贝蒂 found time to participate in professional associations. She served as president of the Texas Society of Anesthesiologists and the Gulf Coast Society of Anesthesiologists. 贝蒂 served three years on the executive board of the Harris County Medical Society, 五人组织,500个成员, before becoming the first woman president of the society. She was a member of the Harris County Medical Society since 1957, but wasn’t active until 1974 because she chose to be involved in the lives of her children. 同时兼顾芭蕾课程, 少年棒球联盟, 及童军会议, she also shouldered her civic responsibilities and demonstrated leadership. She served on the board of San Jacinto Girls Scouts and worked with the budget panel of the United Way for four years. As a member of the Bellaire United Methodist Church, she served on the admissions board and the board of trustees. She was president of the Baylor College of Medicine 校友 Association.

She served as president of the Texas Medical Association from 1994 to 1995, and as TMA treasurer from 1986 to 1989 and as secretary-treasurer from 1983 to 1993. She also has been a member of the TMA Board of Trustees and an alternate delegate to the American Medical Association House of Delegates.

1986年,博士. Stephenson received the distinguished alumni award from Hardin-Simmons. Her citation was read by longtime friend and fellow pioneering spirit in the field of women physicians, 维吉尼亚康纳利. Dr. Connally, the first female physician in Abilene, set an example that 贝蒂 was proud to follow. The two met when 贝蒂 was a student at HSU and worked in the Hendrick Hospital Pharmacy. Virginia became a mentor for 贝蒂, and they have remained fast friends for more than 60 years.

She has also been active in the Baylor College of Medicine 校友 Association, 墨西哥湾沿岸地区血液中心, 休斯顿自然科学博物馆, 医学博物馆, 以及HSU发展委员会.

She and her husband are currently members of Sugar Land First United Methodist Church. 以顽强的决心, 贝蒂·皮尔斯·斯蒂芬森 has overcome obstacles of society, 改善了医疗行业吗, and has shared her time and resources with this University. 贝蒂 has truly been an example of the Proverbs 31 woman, and we at Hardin-Simmons大学 join with her children to “arise and call her blessed.”

It is the high honor of Hardin-Simmons大学 to recognize one of her own and to formally induct 贝蒂 Jo (Pearce) Stephenson into the HSU 领袖堂.